Saturday, December 11, 2004

Tall Tales in the Holiday Season

Anyone who believes Bernard Kerik withdrew for the Homeland Security position due to housekeeper issues, as claimed, should contact me immediately. I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I would like to sell you.

[UPDATE: Not to crow, but check this out. The degree of emphasis the spinmeisters put on the housekeeper/immigration issue, which didn't really seem so terrible, was the obvious tipoff that they were trying to distract us from stuff that was worse, plus of course several other unseemly stories had already started to surface.]


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  5. Anonymous9:41 PM

    A warm greeting to all the this Holiday Season. I wanted to share something with you that might take a load of your shoulders during the holidays.
    Are you planning your company holiday or end of the year event? Didn’t start planning yet? The holidays are a very exciting and demanding time for everyone, especially those who are responsible for the big annual function. You should be enjoying the company of friends and family during the holidays, let us help you never spend another sleepless night worrying about your holiday special event. We know exactly what it takes to earn the loyalty of your employees and customers, particularly when it comes to sizzling special events. Our proper planning can insure that your event goes smoothly and that you and all your guests have a wonderful and memorable time, while still staying in your budget. Call us for a free consultation, and explore the possibilities. I also wanted to share with you about the marketing specials that we have going on right now since the HOLIDAY SEASON is just around the corner it might seem like it’s far away at this point, but small savvy business owners are already thinking about gifts and other ways to thank their customers. It’s been proven that sending holiday gifts early and choosing gifts creatively goes a long way toward concreting good business relations. Business shouldn’t look at gifts as just some trinket; they should be looked at as great marketing tools. A gift should help remind customers what a company’s products and services are about. Please note that many products can be personalized with your logo or message. We imprint, engrave, etch, embroider or silkscreen on almost anything. Order your greeting cards, chocolates, and or corporate gifts on or before November 1st and receive 10% off all orders. Ordering and searching for the unique and perfect gift can be time consuming. Let us take the load of your shoulders during this holiday season by letting us do the work for you with our creative and unique concepts. For more information about the specials or any other services please contact me asap. I hope you are having a great day! Look forward to speaking with you soon.

    Warmest Wishes,

    Sofia Sokolov
    Director of Events and Fashion
    International Public Relations, Inc.
    468 N. Camden Dr.
    Suite 300
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210


    Jenna Spilde
    Director of Marketing
    International Public Relations, Inc.
    468 N. Camden Dr.
    Suite 300
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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