Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Published at last

My Stanford Law Review article, "Beyond the Pro-Consumption Tax Consensus," has finally been published, along with a response from Joe Bankman and David Weisbach, who I suppose I accused in my piece of intellectually overselling a bit.

The Tax Prof blog has more of the details at http://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2008/03/bankman-shaviro.html

In this exchange, the problem is that we are talking past each other a bit. I am more interested in the pure analytics, they in what is likely to be one's practical bottom-line conclusion. I don't think they really disagree with me about the analytics, only they seem to me a little less interested in looking there as a pure intellectual exercise. And I don't disagree with them about the likely bottom line conclusion in favor of a consumption tax.

Was I just nitpicking? I don't think so. It's important to have a really clean grasp of the analytics before proceeding with real world conclusions, which one should do as well but with all due intellectual reticence given the gap between simplified economic models and real world implementations.

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