Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I'm just a boy who can't say no

Though over-the-top busy, I've agreed to two perhaps not terribly high-profile Media Appearances.

First, tomorrow (Wednesday 2/3) from 10:06 to 10:30 AM on the Kathleen Dunn show on Wisconsin Public Radio, I'm being interviewed live on such topics as "the broader implications of the current tax code, the Bush tax cuts, what tax cuts (if any) are a good idea right now, and the current/anticipated budget deficit."

UPDATE: Reasonably lively and enjoyable interview. I was pretty pessimistic about the fiscal outlook (due to my belief that the political system is failing), warning that current political trends suggest that, within the next 10 years, we may face a fiscal crisis that will make what's happened in the last 2 years look like a walk in the park.

Second, I'm being interviewed about debt and deficits by the Wprost Weekly Magazine, a Polish publication.

UPDATE: See the text of my e-mail interview in the next post, here.

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