Sunday, December 26, 2010

A cure for Boxing Day blues?

Day after Christmas got you down, especially as we Americans don’t get to call it Boxing Day?

Or, not enough new books in your gift bag that you actually want to read?

Or, too much winter lying ahead (this definitely has me down at the moment), or struggling with a surfeit of seasonal family gatherings?

If so, have I got a commercial solicitation for you. Amazon reader comments on Getting It include the following:

"I enjoyed the book very much. In fact, once I started it, I simply could not put it down until I had finished it, and my wife wanted to know what I was laughing about every couple of minutes."

"[H]e precisely captures some of the 'moments' of firm life in a way that left me laughing out loud."

"I believe that if any book actually makes me laugh out loud at any point, it's worth bringing to others' attention .... I think anyone who has had any experience working in the law or dealing with lawyers would enjoy this very quick read, which the author obviously had a lot of fun writing."

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