Saturday, May 25, 2013

Almost done in Stockholm

Tomorrow (Sunday) morning, we fly back to the U.S., where by Monday (although it's Memorial Day) I will need to get back in the swing of all the regular TCB.  [Aretha Franklin / Respect reference.]

Stockholm really grew on me in the course of almost a week here.  It is a truly beautiful city, set in a scenic archipelago and composed of numerous bridge-linked islands.  Of course, it helps that at this time of year it has about 20 hours of daylight (I don't like to think about January here), and that we had mostly very nice weather.

While here, I gave two 2-hour lectures to international tax students, who in U.S. terms are undergraduates who have chosen to major in law.  I also gave a talk, mainly to legal academics, concerning my Henry Simons paper, enjoyed exceptional hospitality from the people who had invited me here, walked all around town (and two islands in the surrounding archipelago) on my two knees with their sum total of one intact ACL, and saw lots of museums.  Cultural highlights included the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson, Anna Claren, and Ruud van Empel at the Photography Museum, and that of Hilma af Klint and Nikki de Saint Phaal at the Modern Art Museum.

Next, I have to get ready for my upcoming trip to Israel, decide on whether to have knee surgery and if so when and by whom, continue advancing the publication process for my international tax book (which I am hoping will come out in 2014), and get seriously to work in re. helping to set up the schedule for the National Tax Association Annual meeting in Tampa this November.  Plus, whenever I get the chance, return to writing my new article on behavioral economics, savings behavior, and retirement policy.

Somehow it feels like the clock on this summer is already running much too fast.


  1. Glad you liked Stockholm. I really liked it when I visited a number of years ago.

    (Currently in Berlin)

  2. Glad you liked Stockholm. I really liked it when I visited a number of years ago.

    (Currently in Berlin)
