Saturday, September 03, 2005

What if George W. Bush had been President earlier in U.S. history?

1789 - Tax cuts lead to bond default, collapse of nascent U.S. economy.

1812 - Hello, British Empire. I don't even want to think about the Battle of New Orleans.

1848 - Mexico re-takes Texas and adds Louisiana, so today it would be their problem.

1861 - Union wins Civil War in 3 months, but that's because Bush is the Confederate President.

1890 - Congress passes the Sherman Protrust Act, banning small firms from competing with conglomerates.

1918 - Germans break through Allied lines after U.S. deployment follows the Rumsfeld Doctrine.

1940 - Philip Roth has already written about this.

1941 - Bush responds to Pearl Harbor attack by invading Mexico.

1946 - Marshall Plan botched; Soviet empire extends to the English Channel.

1979 - Iran quagmire.

1983 - Grenada quagmire.

1990 - Bush avoids the Iraq quagmire of 2003 by failing to retake Kuwait (Saddam's army was stronger back then).


Unknown said...

I think the 1789 comment may be a little off, as Bush is pro-tariff, pro-national sales tax, and would probably not oppose excise taxes either.

Anonymous said...

I realize you were trying to be funny, but I think you ended up being sadly accurate.

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If he had been President in earlier history, I might be leaving this comment. Because my great, great, great, Grandfather would have been beheaded in Iraq.

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