Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Paper presentation at McGill Law School

Yesterday, as noted by the Tax Prof Blog, I was in Montreal, at McGill Law School, presenting my recent international tax policy article that offers a kind of sequel or follow-up to my international tax book.

For scheduling reasons related to my teaching schedule here at NYU, I ended up giving the talk at a special session (rather than in their usual Tax Policy time slot). with students in attendance from several different tax classes at McGill, including those in Tax I who had not yet encountered even Canadian, much less U.S., international tax law or policy. So I ended up giving a kind of general lecture on U.S. and other international tax law and policy, rather than mainly focusing on the new article. This was reasonably fun (for them too, I hope), albeit, given my NYU teaching schedule, my second straight day of giving a 3-hour lecture.

I have revised slides regarding the article, but as I will be presenting it at the National Tax Association Annual Meeting next week, I will wait until the week after that to post them here.  At that point, I'll probably also post slides that I am working on for my 2 discussant slots at NTA: one discussing papers by Alan Auerbach and David Kamin, and the other discussing papers by David Gamage and Itai Grinberg.

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