Thursday, October 03, 2019

Talk at Reed College last week on my forthcoming literature & inequality book

As noted previously, last week, while in Portland, I gave a talk at Reed College concerning my forthcoming book, currently called Dangerous Grandiosity: Literary Perspectives on High-End Inequality Through the First Gilded Age.

I have now posted a PDF version of my slides for the talk, which you can find here.

The book is expected out in April 2020, with Anthem Press. Its title may change, however, as I gather that common practice counsels having the lead portion of the title (i.e., before the semicolon) give greater notice than it currently does of what the book actually is, and is about.

I am making final textual changes now, after having gotten anonymous reviewer letters. While ( think it's fair to say that the reviewers were highly favorable, they did some editing changes. Worse still (as I like to put it), they made GOOD suggestions, suggesting that I mainly ought to follow them and indeed will.

I'm certainly available for talks regarding the book, especially in 2020.


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